


Shoulder capsule int/ext rotation mob w/band, 10 reps per position

Shoulder stretch w/band; pecs, posterior, bully 30-40 secs each


WOD A) (Wendler) Bench Press – 15 mins:


6-8 reps @ 50%

4-6 reps @ 60%

3 reps @ 70%

3 reps @ 80%

3+ reps @ 90% – max effort set



B1) 8 min AMRAP:

Row 800-1km (Cap at 4:00), then AMRAP…

8-12 Dips (Ring, Bar, Parallette – choose a number you can keep moving with)

12 Med-ball throw Sit-ups 20/14lb – position yourself in front of and slightly away from a wall, feet anchored/no abmat, touch ball behind head, situp and throw ball against wall, catch and repeat


-Rest 2 mins-


B2) 8 min AMRAP:

Row 800-1km (Cap at 4:00), then AMRAP…

10-15 hand release push-ups

10 Ball Slams 40/30lb